Sweet Dreams Light Bulb

Create flicker free, high quality, warm evening lighting allowing your body to properly wind down and relax.
Standard household light bulbs that emit blue light can trick your brain into thinking it’s daytime.1
Replace them with Sweet Dreams Bulbs which delivers warm light to help facilitate sleep.
Block blue light
This allows your body to naturally wind down and produce melatonin (the sleep hormone) to prepare your body for a good night’s sleep.
Comfortable, flicker-free, warm light
These BlockBlueLight Sweet Dreams Bulbs utilises proprietary spectrum technology to deliver flicker free, high quality, warm evening lighting allowing you to properly wind down and relax. It may improve the quality and duration of sleep and supports the natural sleep cycle.
Support your sleep-wake cycle
Get your body clock in synch so you enjoy a restful night’s sleep and awake refreshed, ready to enjoy the day.
For best results: Once the sun has set turn off any other artificial lighting and electronics and use the Sweet Dreams bulbs for optimal benefits.
1. Schecter A et al. J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Jan;96:196-202.
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